Judicial Writing: A Benchmark for the Bench
Esteemed Colleagues If you’re a judge, arbitrator, or decision-writer, you should get this book. If you’re not, get it for your friend who is. Judicial Writing: A Benchmark for the Bench by Chinua Asuzu Click the cover photo or link above to learn more. Best regards Senator Iyere Ihenyen
The Write House joins Clarity International.
Clarity is an international association that promotes plain legal English. Founded in 1983, Clarity is a worldwide group of lawyers and others who advocate using plain language in place of legalese. The Write House has joined Clarity International. As pioneers of the Plain-English movement in Nigeria, The Write House shares […]
Nigerian Lawyers now ready to take advocacy to the next level.
Nigerian lawyers can keep up with ongoing legal developments in the world by exposing themselves to best practices. That is why lawyers need to keep improving their professional skills. Some lawyers took that step recently when they participated in a brief-writing workshop organized in Lagos. The workshop, Brief Writing Masterclass, […]
Two-day Program for Brief Writing Workshop 25-26 March 2015
[huge_it_slider id=”3″] Here is the program for this week’s 2-day workshop on Brief Writing Masterclass: Day 1- Wednesday 25 March 2015 8.00-9.00am: • Registration & Distribution of Materials (Ibukun Anibijuwon) • Seating of Participants according to Work Groups (Ololade Olukowi) • Tea and Networking (Enobong Ubia & Senator Ihenyen) 9.00-9.45am: […]
Nigerian Lawyers acquire advocacy skills in Lagos
The legal profession is becoming more demanding. Civil and criminal matters before our courts remain high. Clients now need results, not just talk. Lawyers, not only judges, have a major role to play to make the legal system work better for everyone. Many Nigerian lawyers are now rising up to […]