Uncommon Law of Learned Writing, 9 July 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
As lawyers, we must not desert cool common sense in our hot pursuit of common law. Uncommon Law of Learned Writing promotes common sense in legal language. Plain language, which is commonsensical, broadens access to legal documents, thus democratizing the law. No democratic society should brook legalese, a dense, verbose dialect known only to […]
Learned Writing: Sense & Nonsense, 6–8 Dec 2017, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos
Of all those arts in which the wise excel Nature’s chief masterpiece is writing well Write your way to the top 1% of the learned intelligentsia. Listen to Bryan Garner: “Writing is one of the two great skills that will advance your career in law. (The other is people skills.) […]