Types of contract clauses
The following types of clause are typical in contracts: An assignment clause permits, prohibits, or restricts a complete transfer of contractual rights by one or more of the contracting parties to a non-party. A confidentiality clause prohibits or restricts disclosure of specified information (usually related to intellectual property or trade […]
Subtle Distinctions: Abbreviation versus acronym
Lawyers should possess semantic exactitude- we should appreciate subtle distinctions between words or expressions that look or sound alike. In this issue, we explain the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym. An abbreviation is “the shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole.” […]
What happened in Mylward v Welden?
The plaintiff filed pleadings running into 120 pages. The learned judge was not happy. The learned judge struggled through the volumes of jargon. The judge then assessed that all the pertinent material could have been contained in 16 pages. He asked who wrote this mumbo jumbo. When told that the […]
Introducing The Write Partner
The Write Partner is not just a newsletter. It’s your career partner. Writer and advocate, counsel and drafter, teacher and student, The Write Partner is your quintessential partner in your professional career. Improving your legal-writing skills is a lifelong endeavour. As your right partner, The Write Partner will expose legalese […]