Brief-Writing Masterclass, 25–28 Sept 2018, Grand Pela Hotel, Durumi, Abuja
When you write as we teach, you will “analyze cogently, organize logically, distill accurately, argue persuasively, cite knowledgeably, punctuate skillfully, and phrase smoothly.” Bryan A. Garner. Brief-Writing Masterclass boasts an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy brewed from an alchemical blend of ethics, law, linguistics, ethics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics. Brief-Writing […]
Colloquium on Digital Evidence, 5–6 July 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
Since the new Evidence Act was enacted in 2011, Nigerian courts have been called upon to pronounce on admissibility of electronic evidence. Though section 84 of the Evidence Act governs admissibility of electronic evidence, the courts’ interpretation and application of section 84 have been inconsistent. With conflicting judgments from our […]
Uncommon Law of Learned Writing, 9 July 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
As lawyers, we must not desert cool common sense in our hot pursuit of common law. Uncommon Law of Learned Writing promotes common sense in legal language. Plain language, which is commonsensical, broadens access to legal documents, thus democratizing the law. No democratic society should brook legalese, a dense, verbose dialect known only to […]
Brief-Writing Masterclass, 10–13 July 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Lagos
When you write as we teach, you will “analyze cogently, organize logically, distill accurately, argue persuasively, cite knowledgeably, punctuate skillfully, and phrase smoothly.” Bryan A. Garner. Brief-Writing Masterclass blends ethics, law, linguistics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics to produce an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy. Brief-Writing Masterclass is a challenging, intensive, and interactive […]
Bench–Bar Symposium on Electronic Evidence, 28–29 June 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
Since the new Evidence Act was enacted in 2011, Nigerian courts have been called upon to pronounce on admissibility of electronic evidence. Though section 84 of the Evidence Act governs admissibility of electronic evidence, the courts’ interpretation and application of section 84 have been inconsistent. With conflicting judgments from our […]
Brief-Writing Masterclass, 21–23 March 2018, Abuja
When you write as we teach, you will “analyze cogently, organize logically, distill accurately, argue persuasively, cite knowledgeably, punctuate skillfully, and phrase smoothly.” Bryan A. Garner. Brief-Writing Masterclass blends ethics, law, linguistics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics to produce an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy. Brief-Writing Masterclass is a challenging, intensive, and interactive […]
Brief-Writing Masterclass: Feb 2018 (Lagos); March 2018 (Abuja)
When you write as we teach, you will “analyze cogently, organize logically, distill accurately, argue persuasively, cite knowledgeably, punctuate skillfully, and phrase smoothly.” Bryan A. Garner. Brief-Writing Masterclass blends ethics, law, linguistics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics to produce an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy. Brief-Writing Masterclass is a challenging, intensive, and interactive […]
Brief-Writing Masterclass 8–10 November 2017 Le Meridien Hotel, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State
When you write as we teach, you will “analyze cogently, organize logically, distill accurately, argue persuasively, cite knowledgeably, punctuate skillfully, and phrase smoothly.” Bryan A. Garner. Brief-Writing Masterclass blends law, linguistics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics to produce an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy. Brief-Writing Masterclass is a challenging, intensive, and interactive 3-day […]
Learned Writing: Sense & Nonsense, 6–8 Dec 2017, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos
Of all those arts in which the wise excel Nature’s chief masterpiece is writing well Write your way to the top 1% of the learned intelligentsia. Listen to Bryan Garner: “Writing is one of the two great skills that will advance your career in law. (The other is people skills.) […]
Brief-Writing Masterclass, 2–4 Aug 2017, Golden Tulip Port Harcourt
“The secret ambition of every brief should be to spare the judge the necessity of engaging in any work, mental or physical.” Mortimer Levitan. Brief-Writing Masterclass blends law, linguistics, logic, psychology, rhetoric, and semantics to produce an unparalleled curriculum of persuasive advocacy. Brief-Writing Masterclass is a challenging, intensive, and interactive 3-day workshop with exercises, […]
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