Legal Analysis & Opinion Writing, 23–25 March 2022, Protea Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
Register for Legal Analysis & Opinion Writing. Legal analysis and opinion writing are at the core of the professional tasks performed by attorneys in agencies, corporations, departments, and ministries. The Write House is uniquely equipped to provide the requisite training.
Legal Analysis, Report, Research, and Writing, 24–27 March; 3–5 April 2020, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja Lagos
Legal analysis and writing form the core of the tasks performed by Judges, Tribunal Members, Judicial Assistants, Cour and Tribunal Registrars and Clerks, Law Reporters, and Lawyers generally, hence the need to update and upgrade skills in these and related areas.
2019 Calendar
To download, click link: Second Half 2019 Calendar.
NBA-Write House Joint Workshop on Business and Legal Writing, 22–23 Nov 2018, Port Harcourt
The Nigerian Bar Association (Port Harcourt Branch) invites all lawyers and non lawyers to its workshop on Business & Legal Writing organized in collaboration with The Write House. As today’s clients become increasingly sophisticated, lawyers and nonlawyers who imbibe excellent written-communication skills will become more successful. Whether in law practice or business, whether […]
THE GREEN SNAIL IN THE OPAQUE BOTTLE: Consumer Rights & Protection Since Donoghue v Stevenson, 24–26 Oct 2018, Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos
In Donoghue v Stevenson, Mrs Donoghue went to a café with her friend. The friend bought Donoghue a bottle of ginger beer. She drank it half-way, only to find a snail’s decomposed remains in the opaque bottle. Disgusted, outraged, and sickened, Donoghue successfully sued the ginger-beer brewer. Since Donoghue v […]
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